Transforming My Clients' Way of Life
Therapy is about a healthy connection to others and ultimately to our innerselves. The mental, emotional, somatic and soul connection is at the heart of my work. I utilize specific techniques grounded in psychoanalytic theory while integrating Jungian theory, Somatic Guided Imagery, Expressive Arts, and Native American shamanic journeying and practices. These are all modalities that open a gateway to the unconscious mind where healing can occur.

The root word of curiosity is "cure." Being curious is an important quality to have when stepping into a therapeutic environment. This process is the continuation of a personal odyssey which allows one to reconnect to oneself and the rest of the natural world.

Therapy creates a space for a person's own unique and powerful narrative to emerge. The new life story is both healing and restorative. This emerging process creates a new personal narrative which is life affirming and deeply validating.